How to Integrate Interactive Maps into Elementor Tabs

In this article, you can find solutions for the successful integration of interactive maps in your WordPress website within Tabs created with Elementor Page Builder.


Difficulties with integrating maps into tabs

Our interactive maps are very simple and functional plugins for publishing maps on WordPress sites. Inserting maps into a post, page, or widget is very simple and is done via a shortcode. However, sometimes there are more complex integrations required when the map needs to be inserted inside tabs or a drop-down menu.

United States Map on Elementor tabs

Elementor, a popular page builder for WordPress, is also compatible with our maps. You can simply insert a shortcode into a typical section or page in Elementor for it to appear. However, if you insert one inside the tabs, it will not be displayed properly because it does not automatically resize in the tab section.

Solution for Elementor Free

Map plugins by have an API, and the plugin interface has a field for inserting custom JS code.
Copy the following code, and paste it into the Tools tab in the map settings.

setTimeout (function () { map.reloadMap(); }, 100);

var parents = jQuery('#'+containerId).parentsUntil('.elementor-tab-content');
var tabContainer = null;
if (parents.length) {
    var last = parents[parents.length - 1];
    if (jQuery(last).parent() && last != document.firstElementChild) {
        tabContainer = jQuery(last).parent()[0];

var reloadDone = false;

if (! tabContainer)
tabContainer = jQuery(tabContainer);
var tabId ='tab');

var clickCallback = function () {
    if (reloadDone) return;
    setTimeout(function () {
        reloadDone = true;
    }, 10);

var  tab = tabContainer.parentsUntil('.elementor-widget-container').find('[role=tab][data-tab='+tabId+']');
tab.on('click', clickCallback);
jQuery(window).resize(function () { reloadDone = false; });

You can also find this code on
The following screenshot shows exactly where to insert the custom JS code:

Custom JS for Elementor tabs

Solution for Elementor Pro

Elementor Pro has a different tab structure, so a separate code snippet is required. Use this updated code for integrating maps inside Elementor Pro tabs:

setTimeout (function () { map.reloadMap(); }, 100);
/*var parents = jQuery('#'+containerId).parentsUntil('.elementor-tab-content');*/
var parents = jQuery('#'+containerId).parentsUntil('.elementor-element.e-con[data-tab-index]');
var tabContainer = null;
if (parents.length) {
    var last = parents[parents.length - 1];
    if (jQuery(last).parent() && last != document.firstElementChild) {
        tabContainer = jQuery(last).parent()[0];
var reloadDone = false;
if (! tabContainer)
tabContainer = jQuery(tabContainer);
var tabId ='tab-index');
var clickCallback = function () {
    if (reloadDone) return;
    setTimeout(function () {
        reloadDone = true;
    }, 10);
var  tab = tabContainer.parentsUntil('.elementor-widget-container').find('[role=tab][data-tab-index='+tabId+']');
tab.on('click', clickCallback);
jQuery(window).resize(function () { reloadDone = false; });

It’s all! The code is universal and suitable for any locator map by – World map for WordPress, U.S. map, maps of other countries.

Inserting a map in tabs for Elementor Pro


The process of integrating interactive maps into Elementor tabs requires some custom JavaScript code. The specific code depends on whether you are using the free version of Elementor or the Elementor Pro version.

For Elementor Free, use the first code snippet provided in this article. For Elementor Pro, use the second updated code snippet.

The key is to identify which version of Elementor your site is using, and insert the corresponding code block into the Custom JS section as shown. This will enable the map to properly resize and function within the tab on page load and tab click.

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