Our interactive map of Italy can help you share geo-related info on a website with high quality. For a business or personal website, it's the ultimate tool to have and use for various applications.
HTML5 maps are a set of JavaScript/CSS files that are entirely hosted on your server. You don't need advanced coding knowledge to install, basic HTML is enough. Features include:
You can install WordPress plugin in the following way:
Shortcodes can be viewed on the "Preview" tab or "Maps Dashboard" page.
They are the same map, but the WordPress plugin has a completely visual interface for managing map settings. Using the WordPress map plugin doesn't require any coding knowledge and it's very simple.
The HTML version (includes a set of JS, CSS files) is intended for use in Joomla, Drupal, plain HTML sites, etc. JavaScript version of the map requires a basic knowledge of HTML.
We offer the following payment options:
A lifetime license for production domain + option for testing and developing in another domain.